
The Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation of Canada

During a trip to Nepal, Zeke O’Connor asked his friend Sir Edmund Hlllary
“How can I help you with your work in Nepal?”

He replied, “You can help me by helping the Sherpas help themselves
to get better educat
ed, better health care and better reforestation.”

* * * And so in 1973 began The Sir Edmund Hilary Foundation * * *


Touch the Sky
Indominable Spirit of Sir Edmund Hillary, who conquered Mt. Everest,
Painted for the Foundation.
Fairmont Palliser, Calgary, Alb
erta/Canada, October 23, 2008

Mimi Stuart, Zeke O'Connor, close friend of Sir Edmund Hillary and founder of the Foundation, Foundation President Karen O'Connor, and Director Byron Smith with "Touch the Sky"

Four of the Sherpa people in traditional garb and welcoming scarves with artist Mimi in front of ice-carved Mt. Everest, and Arthur Boyer, grandson of Sir Edmund


Apa Sherpa (18 times to summit of Mt. Everest), Mimi, Founder Zeke O'Connor, President Karen O'Connor, Director & Gala Emcee Byron Smith, Ang Dorje Sherpa, Mingma Sherpa, and Kanchhi Sherpa


Apa Sherpa, who climbed the summit of Mt. Everest 18 times, addressing the Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation Oct. 23, 2008


Tracy Skreslet, Peter Hillary, Mimi Stuart, Byron Smith, Zachary and Jamie Smith
